
Photos From the ISS

These photos taken from the International Space Station are beautiful.

via The Big Picture


Jelly Sunday - Gobelins


via: youtube.com

Annecy 2009 - Gobelins

Fantastic stories. Great animation. If they ever made Harry Potter into an animated movie, this is how I imagine it.



I could play with this ToneMatrix instrument by Andre Michelle for hours.


Which Art Student Are You?

Hannah shared these hilarious illustrations of art students by Chuck Dillon with me. It's amazing how accurate they are. Not quite sure which one I was... There are a lot more on Chuck's blog.

Matt the Samurai loves fire.

Fellow blogger, Theodore3, showed this to me. But I'll post it here. Meet MattTheSamurai. It seems he's a pyro. But it looks cool. http://mattthesamurai.deviantart.com/

via: deviantart.com

Olympus E-P1

Olympus is bringing 60's style to a digital camera with the E-P1, based on their Pen series... I want one.

via Boing Boing Gadgets


Real Life Street Fighter Bonus Stage

Remember the bonus stage from Street Fighter II? This guy does.


Hannah K. Lee

Another inspiring illustrator I came across today, Hannah K. Lee. Makes me want to go home and draw something.

Dan Park

I enjoy going through Dan Park's portfolio. Beautiful work...


My Milk Toof

This is the cutest thing ever. It was posted on notcot.com but I'm totally reposting it here. Photocomic by Inhae about her little tooth.

go to.. http://mymilktoof.blogspot.com/

photo by inhae.


Kristina Collantes

I enjoy very much the mixed media illustrations of Kristina Collantes.


Manba makeup

This is style old news. But still fun. You can follow these steps and get ready to go out to a Shibuya party! Yoko, the ordinary 16 year old from the Shizuoka Prefecture can show you show! lol...